St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

530 Bridge Street, New Cumberland

1967 M. P. Möller Pipe Organ 29 ranks and 1,621 pipes

1967 M. P. Möller Pipe Organ
29 ranks and 1,621 pipes


Great Organ (unenclosed)

8’ Prinzipal 61 pipes
8’ Bordun 61 pipes
4’ Oktav 61 pipes
2’ Super Oktav 208 pipes
III-IV Mixture (1 1/3′)
8’ Gloria Deo Fest Trompete (Choir-unenclosed)
Chimes 25 notes

Swell Organ (enclosed)

16’ Rohrbass 12 pipes
8’ Rohrflote 61 pipes
8’ Viola Pomposa 61 pipes
8’ Viola Celeste (TC) 49 pipes
4’ Gemshorn Prinzipal 61 pipes
2’ Waldflote 61 pipes
III Scharf (1′) 183 pipes
8’ Trompete 61 pipes
4’ Schalmei 61 pipes
8’ Gloria Deo Fest Trompete (Choir-unenclosed)

Choir Organ (enclosed)

8’ Gedackt 61 pipes
8’ Dolcan Celeste (II) 110 pipes
4’ Koppelflote 61 pipes
2’ Prinzipal 61 pipes
1 1/3’ Quint 61 pipes
8’ Krummhorn 61 pipes
8’ Gloria Deo Fest Trompete (unenclosed - does not couple) 61 pipes

Pedal Organ (unenclosed)

16’ Prinzipal 32 pipes
16’ Bourdon (extended from Great) 12 pipes
16’ Rohrbass (from Swell)
10 2/3’ Quint (from Great Bordun)
8’ Oktav 12 pipes
8’ Bourdon (from Great Bordun)
8’ Rohrflote (from Swell)
4’ Choral Bass 12 pipes
II Rauschquint (2 2/3′) 64 pipes
16’ Posaune (extended from Swell) 12 pipes
4’ Klarine (from Swell)
8’ Gloria Deo Fest Trompete (Choir-unenclosed)
Zimbelstern (on toe stud)


16’ Swell to Swell
16’ Choir to Choir

Swell Unison Off
Choir Unison Off

4’ Swell to Swell
4’ Choir to Choir

16’  8’ & 4’ Swell to Great
8’ & 4’ Great to Pedal 

16’  8’ & 4’ Choir to Great
8’ & 4’ Swell to Pedal

16’  8’ & 4’ Swell to Choir
8’ & 4’ Choir to Pedal

Combination Pistons

6 divisional pistons affecting Great Stops

6 divisional pistons affecting Swell Stops

6 divisional pistons affecting Choir Stops

6 divisional toe studs affecting Pedal Stops

8 general pistons, duplicated on toe studs

General pistons duplicated by toe studs.

Reversibles on pistons and toe studs for Manual to Pedal Couplers

Sforzando piston and toe stud

Crescendo pedal

General Cancel

100 levels of memory with programmable crescendos and sforzandos
